Sunday, October 19, 2014


It went up to 71 Fahrenheit today. It was a beautiful day. People were outside and enjoying the nice weather.  It was also the start of Dutch Design Week so pretty crazy day as usual. =)

Part of Centrum shopping area

The Blob as Cliff called it (that's really the name of it)

Front of our hotel

Bicycle lane..If you ever walk there chances are you gonna get run over they don't mess around with thier high speed two wheeler lol..

Bus lane. You're not supposed to drive there. Are we calling Johnny here??

Vacant old building. Pete wants to buy it and turn it into "vacation home".

Schnitzel Winner!!

Neon, anyone?

Pete wanted to steal this bike.

Loves me some carousel.

Out and about

Feed those hungry. Pete wanted to shoot them.

This is what they called Sunday

I want this!!!  Vespa love

St.Catherine Church

For my father in law

We're going to strawberry fields.

Friday, October 17, 2014


    It was Sunday  10/12/14 and some loud music woke us up. First I though it was the church's bell but I heard some instrument playing non-stop, so we looked outside and there were people in their shoes and running attire. It was the annual Eindhoven marathon and a dude was wearing a pink flamingo costume. Apparently it is a big deal here! It was a whole day event. No picture of the actual marathon cause it was freaking busy but i did took some that will prove how crazy it was.

That big building is Media Mrkt. It's an electronic store kinda like Best Buy.
Almost no parking area for bikes that day

She looks like she's from Portland, doesn't she??

Al fresco 

Awarding Ceremony

ASML booth. Free beer after the race won't hurt
Finish Line

Half of these people were tipsy

Pete carried Orion in the stroller on that over pass. "Iron Man" <3

Orion and his viking hat

Thursday, October 16, 2014

First night in Eindhoven

          Here are some pictures we took while strolling around Eindhoven
Our home for a little while

Philips Light Tower

Bikes parking area

We made it!! Eindhoven

          The whole family is over the jetlag and Pete started his training this morning. It was 9hrs and 45mins flight from PDX to AMS. I attest on how different it is to travel with a baby. You always have to give extra time with everything. It wasn’t too bad, everything has its first time I guess. Orion was doing good most the time, he was smiling to all the passenger he saw.
           We arrived at AMS 15mins early but there was a 30mins of runway taxi in the plane and by that time we couldn’t wait for this travel to be over. We initially got a small car but the guys at AVIS were really helpful and gave us a bigger because I packed the entire house. One thing I recognized here immediately is that, there’s not a lot of bigger cars. Most cars are compact and smaller than the usual American cars. There are a lot of FIAT and Mini Coopers. The freeway is  wider, its 4-6 lanes and they use kilometers instead of miles. Drivers here speed up and they get out of your way when they see that you are in a hurry.
It was pass 12pm when we reached Eindhoven. The room wasn’t ready yet and the receptionist told us to get back around 3pm. We used that time to get some food and futz around a bit. And then we got our room and we crashed!! Some pictures on the way to Eindhoven.

Let´s see the world together

About Me

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Series of our family's big and small adventures. Compiled virtually to share with our families and friends as well as with people around the globe.