Friday, October 17, 2014


    It was Sunday  10/12/14 and some loud music woke us up. First I though it was the church's bell but I heard some instrument playing non-stop, so we looked outside and there were people in their shoes and running attire. It was the annual Eindhoven marathon and a dude was wearing a pink flamingo costume. Apparently it is a big deal here! It was a whole day event. No picture of the actual marathon cause it was freaking busy but i did took some that will prove how crazy it was.

That big building is Media Mrkt. It's an electronic store kinda like Best Buy.
Almost no parking area for bikes that day

She looks like she's from Portland, doesn't she??

Al fresco 

Awarding Ceremony

ASML booth. Free beer after the race won't hurt
Finish Line

Half of these people were tipsy

Pete carried Orion in the stroller on that over pass. "Iron Man" <3

Orion and his viking hat

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing your photos, and I'm extra excited that you started a blog. I did one while we traveled when Amelia was young, and I look forward to re-visiting it with her over the years.


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Series of our family's big and small adventures. Compiled virtually to share with our families and friends as well as with people around the globe.