Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Basilica of the Holy Blood

The first Museum we saw is the Basilica of Holy Blood. We  got confused looking for the chapel entrance because it's not as what other gothic churches that has big entrance door. It is between two big buildings. You have to pay 2 Euros to get inside.  Most of the artifacts in the Treasury of the Basilica of the Holy blood was made during the 14th to 16 century.

Stuff top piece which lead the procession of Holy Blood during Lent week.

Carved wood and Paintings that show the sufferings Christ.

Altar piece

Provost's chain ( early 20th century)

The Great reliquary of the Holy Blood 16th century

Maria of Burgundy's crown 15th century

                    From the treasury we went and looked the actual Basilica of the Holy blood.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Friday evening in Brugge

For our 1st year anniversary we decided to stay a night in Brugge, Belguim. It was our first place to visit outside of The Netherlands too. A friend of ours recommended this as it is one of the most beautiful places in Europe. We left our apartment at quarter to 2pm and we got there at 5.30pm. It still surprised us to see how much different it is to travel now that we have a baby. Before we only have 1 small luggage and a bag for my husband and I for a short trip like this. Now that we have Orion 3 bags are just the minimum. It took as quite a while  because we have to make a stop to settle down the fussy britches.

It was raining when we got there and Pete had to look for a parking since the hotel parking was full.
We stayed in a place called Oud Huis de Peellaert (Old house of the Peellarrt) a 19th century aristocrat house that turned into a hotel.

We took a stroll around the town for awhile and headed to get some dinner. The city was lighted like a room full of candles and even though it was a mostly dark rainy and cold it was a lovely evening.

Brugge at night.

Map of Brugge inside the Tavern Burgoise where we ate flemish style beef stew and flemish style rabbit. Both were excellent.

Christmas Ornaments

That is the Belfry Tower. I climbed it all the way to the top. It was quite a climb but the view was beautiful.

One of the copy of Brugge of Madonna and child.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Inside a windmill

In my last post, we promised you pictures from inside of a windmill. It's not like what we thought it would be, but it is pretty amazing to think it was someone's house.  The windmill has five floors.

Ground floor is the kitchen area and the living room. We were surprised that the living room is fully decorated.

Sand, Soap and Soad.

My Mom has the same sewing machine.

There were 3 kids sleeping on that bed
The 2nd floor.

The bedrooms are all like this.

The 3rd floor give the impression that it belongs to a female member of the family.

Friends and Family.

The steps are small.

And the stairs inside are very step.
The 4th floor.

A cabinet that has some guy stuff.

 A handy Loo.

The 5th floor is all equipment that they use for their daily activities.

This is must be like an attic or storage room.

That is the 5th floor and its not open for public.

Let´s see the world together

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Series of our family's big and small adventures. Compiled virtually to share with our families and friends as well as with people around the globe.