Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Basilica of the Holy Blood

The first Museum we saw is the Basilica of Holy Blood. We  got confused looking for the chapel entrance because it's not as what other gothic churches that has big entrance door. It is between two big buildings. You have to pay 2 Euros to get inside.  Most of the artifacts in the Treasury of the Basilica of the Holy blood was made during the 14th to 16 century.

Stuff top piece which lead the procession of Holy Blood during Lent week.

Carved wood and Paintings that show the sufferings Christ.

Altar piece

Provost's chain ( early 20th century)

The Great reliquary of the Holy Blood 16th century

Maria of Burgundy's crown 15th century

                    From the treasury we went and looked the actual Basilica of the Holy blood.

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