Monday, December 15, 2014

Inside a windmill

In my last post, we promised you pictures from inside of a windmill. It's not like what we thought it would be, but it is pretty amazing to think it was someone's house.  The windmill has five floors.

Ground floor is the kitchen area and the living room. We were surprised that the living room is fully decorated.

Sand, Soap and Soad.

My Mom has the same sewing machine.

There were 3 kids sleeping on that bed
The 2nd floor.

The bedrooms are all like this.

The 3rd floor give the impression that it belongs to a female member of the family.

Friends and Family.

The steps are small.

And the stairs inside are very step.
The 4th floor.

A cabinet that has some guy stuff.

 A handy Loo.

The 5th floor is all equipment that they use for their daily activities.

This is must be like an attic or storage room.

That is the 5th floor and its not open for public.

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Series of our family's big and small adventures. Compiled virtually to share with our families and friends as well as with people around the globe.